Fox 8 by George Saunders

Screen Shot 2016-02-14 at 11.04.49 AMI found this read off of Scribd, and I’m so glad I came across it! On Scribd you can hear this book through audio, which I think was great because the voice actor truly captured the story and the voice of our main character.

Fox 8 is told in first person by, yep, you got it: a fox. This story is extremely enlightening, witty, comical, and at some points, pretty fucking depressing. Fox 8 is a short story, only a few chapters long if listened to on Scribd, but I’m sure you can find the short-story through other mediums, as well.

In Fox 8, we have Fox 8 telling us a terribly sad, but witty and funny, story about the terrors that he had to go through after teaching himself how to talk Human. Everything after that I would love to explain, but you’ve got to go read it yourself.

This is such a beautifully written short story that just shines a light on things that we choose to ignore when it comes to animals, specifically non-domesticated animals. So, do yourself a favor and read this book!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Levi says:

    Yours is the only other review of Fox 8 I’m able to find. Interesting to hear that it’s available on audio! Some of the wordplay may get lost but it sounds like some good emotion is added. I loved this story. Check out my review if you’re interested:

    Take care!


    1. stephmesaa says:

      I know! That’s why I’m so glad I found it and read it when I did, because I don’t think I wouldn’t of ever been able to experience this story if that wasn’t the case. I’ll definitely check yours out!

      Liked by 1 person

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